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项目(s): B.M.E.

Music allows students to express themselves in ways that no other subject can. Do you want to teach the next Beethoven or Olivia Rodrigo? 如果是这样,和记棋牌娱乐 音乐教育 少校可能适合你. 

为什么学习 音乐教育 at Northwest

Many schools offer 音乐教育 programs, but Northwest's Department of Fine 和 Performing Arts is unmatched. At Northwest, 音乐教育 students have the option to specialize in 声乐教育 or instrumental 音乐教育. If you want to be a choir director, 你会选择声音, 和 if you want to conduct a b和, 你会选择乐器.

Regardless of the track you choose, all students hone their musicianship skills through courses like applied music, music literature 和 music theory. Faculty are experts in their craft 和 have years of experience. You’ll work one-on-one with the best of the best, gaining valuable knowledge that will follow you into your future classroom.

In addition to gaining a solid 音乐教育, you’ll experience the one-of-a-kind culture that is the Olive DeLuce Fine Arts Building. Expect to be welcomed with open arms as you navigate the journey of auditioning for 和 participating in various music ensembles. Students also have the option to join music fraternities like Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary B和 Fraternity, Sigma Alpha Iota Phi Mu Alpha sinonia. 

Did you know you can add on an extended certification in vocal or instrumental 音乐教育? 例如, if you major in 声乐教育 but also want to conduct b和, you can add an extended certification in instrumental 音乐教育. This gives you an advantage when applying for jobs! 

了解更多 about the differences between vocal 和 instrumental 音乐教育, keep reading.

Note that Northwest currently does not provide coursework for string students.



 instrumental 音乐教育 major certifies students to teach in K-12 classrooms. You'll learn the basics of all the b和 instruments, curriculum design 和 implementation, classroom management 和更多的. This track is perfect for helping students reach their full instrumental potential. Is there anything better than seeing that smile on a student's face after they play their first note?

The 声乐教育 extended certification can be added to the instrumental 音乐教育 major. This is not a major or minor but an extended certification that meets Missouri teacher certification requirements in vocal music K–12.



Have you ever wanted to conduct your own choir? If so, this one is definitely for you. 的 声乐教育 major teaches students how to be successful choral conductors 和 certifies them to teach in K-12 classrooms. Did we mention you'll also learn how to play piano? Those piano books you have stashed away from elementary school might come in h和y after all. 

Students in this major also have the opportunity to audition for 和 participate in groups like 塔合唱团大学合唱团, 音乐会合唱 和 音乐剧.

instrumental 音乐教育 extended certification can be added to the 声乐教育 major. This is not a major or minor but an extended certification that meets Missouri teacher certification requirements in instrumental music K–12.



"I chose Northwest because it has a solid 音乐教育 program that was small enough for me to be able to build relationships with professors 和 not get lost in the crowd.——Titus Weinzierl

Profession-Based Learning Experiences

We take h和s-on to a whole new level. Students participate in observations, field experiences, practicums 和 student teaching! 

Profession-Based Learning Experiences


Northwest offers several choral ensembles! 这些组包括 大学合唱团, 塔合唱团音乐会合唱.

View a list of all music-related ensembles »



Northwest also offers several instrumental music ensembles to take part in. 的se ensembles include, but are not limited to, 熊猫军乐队, 风交响曲, 管乐团, 爵士乐团 和更多的!

View a list of all music-related ensembles »



Horace Mann Laboratory School is a clinical teaching environment on the Northwest campus that provides students with profession-based opportunities 和 skills for careers in education. Horace Mann, which serves children ages 3 through sixth grade, 提供了实践, project-based learning for Northwest students.



Northwest has two large theaters where students perform. 的 查尔斯·约翰逊剧院 和 Ron Houston Center for the Performing Arts is where you will spend a lot of your time! 

的 impact of value at Northwest
正确的尺寸. 合适的价格.
We underst和 college is a big investment. Why not attend a school that is invested in you?

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